Working with People Going Through Separation and Divorce

Working with People Going Through Separation and Divorce

After talking to several former clients after the holidays, I realized that many of you may not know that I do a lot of work with people going through separation and divorce. I probably have done more mortgages for separating couples than anyone else in the country!

In the early 2000s, I found that there was a need for a mortgage professional with specialized knowledge of mortgages and divorce. In 2005, I trained in Collaborative Divorce and have since worked with many family law attorneys, financial professionals, and mental health professionals, helping families resolve their disputes respectfully and out of court. I have been a guest on podcasts about mortgages and divorce and a speaker for divorce support groups and Bar Associations.

Many phone calls and meetings I have with clients going through a separation do not result in a mortgage application. However, they almost always end with the client saying, “Thank you. That was so helpful. I feel so much better just having this information at a time when everything else feels so uncertain.”

To further educate people going through separation and divorce as well as divorce professionals, I am teaching a remote training called “Divorce and the Marital Home” on Tuesday, February 6, from noon to 1pm. If you would like to attend, please email Margie or Troy to receive a Zoom link. The training is open to the public, so any friends or colleagues you think this could help are welcome.

Please contact us with any other questions you may have.

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